Archana Gauba


Archana Gauba

Leadership Coaching, Life Coaching, Leadership Development, Leadership Facilitation

Archana is a certified senior Leadership and Executive Coach, Leadership facilitator based in Gurgaon (India). In her rich corporate experience spanning over two decades, she has worked with leaders and clients across various industries, facilitated senior leadership and coaching journeys across Europe, Middle East, and Asia. 

Archana Gauba supports senior leaders, women leaders, and entrepreneurs in business areas of Transition and Readiness, Higher Performance, Personal effectiveness, and building Executive Presence.  She partner’s with clients to support them through challenges, step outside of their comfort zones and realize new levels of confidence, clarity, and results. Her coaching approach helps her clients produce results authentically, evolutionarily, and holistically through awareness, creativity, and intent. 

Archana Gauba’s clients value her for her ability to build great connections, build trust quickly enabling them to explore their reality with courage and vulnerability.  She also partners with a few non-profit organizations and spends some of her time on pro-bono coaching and mentoring. 

Before venturing on her own in 2018, Archana Gauba worked with global organizations like EY, HSBC, IBM, and Lufthansa. 

Women Leaders in Corporate Ecosystem

I have often been asked the importance of women power in my life.  At every stage and in every realm there have been women who have enthused and helped me evolve as a person, whether it has been my mother, my teacher, my sister, my colleagues and or my friends. Their sheer tenacity to handle the acute adversities of life, to their resilience of balancing diverse responsibilities with such ease and élan that I feel proud to be a part of this wonderful world of women.

In the corporate world and outside, the role of women has seen a significant paradigm shift. From essaying a secondary role they are now treading the path of leadership.  In my role as a Leadership Coach, I have had the privilege of interacting with some of the finest women of a substance across industries and spectrum, and trust me every time I come back, I am even more overwhelmed by their spirit and ability to overcome challenges and turn them into opportunities. Women are slowly redefining norms and are creating a niche in the ever-defining male bastion.

Women today share the podium with men in almost all fields, be it the household or in defense. Working women are no longer a rarity and are now accepted as an integral part of the working force. Indian organization has experienced a steady increase in the number of women employees and this pattern is bound to continue in the future as well. Women recently began to join the ranks of managers and leaders in large numbers. But women at the top management positions are still a rare species. Globally, the proportion of senior business roles held by women stands at 24%. In India too, it is no different. Maybe the situation is not very encouraging.

The list of women that inspire and people aspire to be is endless – from astronaut Kalpana Chawla, to author Arundhati Roy, to Business Czarina Vandana Luthra to Shahnaz Hussain. They have all shifted the paradigm of growth, expectations and experience. 

There are some organizations that promote women in their ecosystem. IT & Banking and Financial sector are the leading players in promoting gender diversity. This is not just reflected in their policies and programs but is a natural part of their organization DNA. Whether it is maternity leave, flexible working, or distant working, or drives to enroll women after a sabbatical, to providing childcare support, these industries take the lead.

The role of women in any work force brings along certain set of innate advantages. I have found that women tend to be more conscientious and thorough for the most part. That is a large advantage when working with clients, both new and existing, as well as juggling multiple relationships, project details, and timelines. Since the industry has hung on to a little bit of that male-dominated stereotype, a confident, capable and detail-oriented woman will really shine above the rest. The interpersonal communication skills that many women possess exceed those of men, resulting in a faster gathering of information that can help resolve issues.

But above all diversity is THE key. In order to accomplish this, we need to provide women with more opportunities that often went to men in the past. Companies need to hire and promote women into sales and management positions. They bring in a way of working which is both result-oriented and pragmatic while also team caring and working toward long-term success of a company.

Some of the greatest innovations have been realized under female leaders like IBM CEO Ginni Rometty, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, General Motors CEO Mary Barra, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the first female presidential nominee of a major political party, Hillary Clinton to the current first female Vice President of USA.

The pandemic has once again shifted the gear on diversity trends. Although the economy at large and the job market in particular have come under severe distress, but women  have faced the maximum impact of this. The balancing act between work from home and work for home has largely sat on the women’s shoulder, reflecting the inequalities and biases that are deep rooted. Although all segments of women have been impacted but working mothers and women in leadership roles have seen the dramatic impact of gender effect.

We need a change in mindset, change in opportunities, change in acceptance. Change – it is the greatest challenge and opportunity people face today. Change forces a company, an industry, even an entire nation to adapt in order to survive and succeed. This change can once again bring about a paradigm shift and witness the ascent and increase in influence of women in all segments, including the corporate sector.

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Women Leaders in Corporate Ecosystem | Archana Gauba
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Women Leaders in Corporate Ecosystem | Archana Gauba
Archana Gauba is a certified senior Leadership and Executive Coach,She supports senior leaders, women leaders, and entrepreneurs in business areas..
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The Women Leaders
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