Wesleyne Greer

Leadership Coach


Wesleyne Greer

As a former chemist that became an international sales manager, Wesleyne Greer understands the challenge of being at the top of her game. Having managed multi-million-dollar teams, she marries her love for sales and her passion for coaching at Transformed Sales. Wesleyne Greer’s management training improves sales leaders’ capability of holding productive conversations with internal sales team members, which creates a collaborative, dynamic environment in which everyone feels supported. 

With 15+ years in sales and leadership focused on the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Manufacturing) fields, she empowers, coaches, and transforms managers into confident leaders. She understands that sales leadership requires both coaching to develop leadership skills and outside-the-box strategies to ensure everyone on the team becomes a sales superstar with a singular focus for her clients—more repeatable sales.

5 Ways You Can Rise To The Top Of Your Sales Game

Traditional sales has a very masculine approach. Between meeting quotas, chasing down leads and exceeding revenue goals, it’s easy to look at sales as a numbers game. But in reality, it’s far from it—and taking a more feminine approach can lead to more success. 

Women in sales often try to compete with their male counterparts by playing the game. In my 12+ years of working in sales for STEM industries (which is primarily dominated by men), I’ve learned how women can circumvent the decades-old hustle mentality and land more clients in the process. 

So if you’re a woman in sales who’s struggling to break into that next level, try one of these five tips to rise to the top of your game. 

Tip #1 Be a person of your word. 

There’s a reason the stereotype of the sleazy used cars salesman exists—many people in sales have no integrity with their word. They promise the moon and the stars while vying for a new prospect, but once the papers are signed, things change. 

In sales, authenticity is so important. Don’t put on a show for your prospects and then flip the script when they become a customer. Make sure you can deliver on everything you’re promising in the prospecting phase from services to showing up at a certain time for the meeting. People notice (and respect) someone who is a person of their word. 

Tip #2 Favor being respected over being liked. 

Sales can sometimes feel like a boys club, where new prospects are old buddies in disguise. Don’t fall into this outdated mentality and treat sales like a popularity contest. Shoot for respect instead of getting potential customers to “like” you. Respect trumps likability every time when it comes to our customers. Believe me, you have enough friends.

Respect will also make a prospect more likely to buy from you and keep buying from you. So focus your attention on being honest, authentic and having integrity. If you come from that place, people will begin to respect you more. 


Tip #3 Always go back to the “why.” 

Let’s face it: no matter what you’re selling, there are a million and one competitors who are selling something just like it. So as a saleswoman, it’s your job to communicate exactly why your product or service is better than the others. 

There are three questions you should ask yourself before hopping into any sales conversation: 

  1. Why should the customer change?  
  2. Why should they choose you?
  3. And why should they change and choose you now

Start with those questions and your sales conversations will get straight to the point a lot quicker. 

Tip #4 Don’t overload your workload. 

It’s tempting to try to keep up with the hustle mentality, and sales can often feel like a rat race that never ends. But the more you stretch yourself too thin, the worse at your job you will be. 

Think of rest like a reset button; a necessary break for your mind so you can come back stronger than ever. Figure out your own rhythms and energy levels—because they are different for everyone—and honor them as much as possible. 

Tip #5 Stop selling and start serving. 

It’s easy to get caught up in the sale, but if you want to succeed and land more sales, you have to focus on the service. Think about the problems that you’ll be solving for a prospect if they choose to buy from you. Think about how much better or easier their lives will be. Think about how happy they’ll be in the future if they decide to get started now. 

When you come from that place, you take all the sleaziness out of selling—and people can more clearly see that all you want to do is help. 

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5 Ways You Can Rise To The Top Of Your Sales Game | Wesleyne Greer
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5 Ways You Can Rise To The Top Of Your Sales Game | Wesleyne Greer
When it comes to being the best, Wesleyne Greer understands how challenging it may be. She brings her enthusiasm for sales to Transformed Sales.
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